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Top 100 Construction Data Leaders_

The Top 100 Construction Data Leaders 2023 list is a compilation of the top 100 executives in the global construction industry who are responsible for leading their companies' data initiatives. These executives are recognized for their ability to leverage data to drive business success and for their expertise in using advanced analytics and technology to improve construction processes, increase efficiency, and reduce costs.

The list includes data leaders from construction companies from across the world. These executives come from a variety of roles within their organizations, including Chief Information Officers (CIOs), Chief Technology Officers (CTOs), Chief Data Officers (CDOs), and IT and Business Intelligence Heads, among others.

The list has been compiled based on factors such as the executives' experience, leadership skills, innovative use of data, and impact on their companies and the construction industry as a whole. It serves as a great go-to resource for businesses and individuals looking to connect with and learn from some of the best data talents in the global construction business.

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